Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Dear Santa

My name is Ava.I am six years old.I hope I wus good. I have to brothers that fool urond. I would like a fur beare cot and candy and a wii and a barebe swimming

pool and baby that can swim and Iwant it to be a girl. How many raindears do you

have Santa? drive safe Santa.

your frend,



dear santa

my name is kyra i would like a fr ball and a noo bike and a pilow and a nooo beegume and a pet my pet is gowing toobe act

your friend



Dear Santa,

My name is Audessa. I am six. I have a brother Blake. I would like a charry flavor furberry and barbie glam camper and monsters vs alens movie and masdigascar crismis movie and dora links and polly pocket roller coster and zuzupets.I hope you have a good trip! Does Roodoffs noes really glow up? Is there a Mrs.clos? How many elvs are at the north poul?

Your frend,



dear santa

my name is kyrstin i am 8 i am good i would lik to brin ds gams for krismis. i hop you can bring toys for the litl gols.

your friend



Dear Santa,

my name is Marilyn. I am six yers old I cant wat for crismis I have a bruther he is ate yers old hes in thrd grad I wold like a magikc kit and a spiy kit and a jrl makcr but if its to much that is okay. thank you. How dus you giv prezints intime How dus woodofs noos glo up How dus your randers fliy?

your friend



Dear Santa,

My name is Emily.I am seven years old.I am so excited that you are coming to my house.I love winter.I have a sister. I would like a pink D.S. and a Barbie hair salon and a puppy that fits in my pers.I would like some suprises too.I hope you duliver all the presints in time.

Your friend,



dear santa

my name is david i am moovig i want a far that is wodr proof and fox rasing hats ples and get me a pol ples and yoow kan get my ene sawsn

your friend



Dear Santa,

My name is Emma.I am 6 yaers old.I have 2 sisters.Grace is 5 yaers old Abby is 3 yaers old.

I am the oldest.I would like moon sand for Chrismiss and a DS that is pink.Is thair a misses Clos?

Haw many rane deer do you have?Haw many elffs do you have?Haw many presints did you make?Iam rile rile rile trieing to be good.

Your friend,



Dear santa

my name is zach i thingk crismis is fun I am 7 I would like dbishot belt six tome twunee cars the woodin samuri sord tomy rubr bandgun a wii the noo indiyanu jonu a dsi how do you travi to wrd in oneyou nit did you like the cocys

your friend



Dear Santa,

My name is Jenna. I am six. I can not wate intil cricmic. I trie to be good. I have dogs.I have a sister and five cuzins.I would like some webkins and some frubairys and polyspockits and pupits and cabichpackis and littleist pet shops and a baby and a DS with games and zoozoopets and a new camra with a case.How many ellfs do you have?How do the randeer fly? How dus roodoofs nos glow? Where do your randeer sleep?

your friend,



Dear Santa,

My name is Daniel I am being good I can not wate for criscmes and I have a brutr and a sicr .I would like sum games for my wii and I wunt a lages and I wunt wii. Wie are you so fat and have I bin bad wie do you live in the nrfpool?

your friend



Dear Santa,

My name is Calvin. I am 7 years old. I cant whate intill Chrissmiss. I love winter. I like to billed snowmen. I have a sister. I would like a football. And a real yoda. And a wii. and a wii. anda ipod. And a flip mino.and a lapptop. And army men. And starwars people. And 5 turbotanks. And 7 republic attack shuttles. How do you get down the chimmnie? is there a misses cloase? How do you deliver all the presentes in one night?

your friend,



Dear santa My name is Chloe I am good I will put out cokes and molk I have a sisdr she is good I would like a Hannh Montanah dol and a Hannh Montanah gam and a lie dol and a Hannh Montanah book . Wair do you live? how do you care the many randes?

Your friend,



Dear santa ,

my name is Logan.I am 6.I am good.I will bake cookys.I have a sister.I would like game and I

would like a wii. And a psp.And I would like a dart gun.How do the rander fliy?

your fried



Dear santa,

my name is sara. I am six.I would like a book of barenues and prinsis and nights and a jragin and ckasils and a king and a qene and a purple frubery.

your friend,



Dear santa,

My name is Noah . I am good. I am six years old. I have one sister. i love the snow.I play baseball.I would like a toy race track and a baseball game and ahocky game and a toy story army men and a wii and a ds.I hope you travi safe. What is a heper? who is the best?How do you fly?

Your friend
